Three flyers set up side by side at the far end of a twelve foot table. The Ork convoy is about seven feet from them. The Ork Battlewagons and trukks must drive 12" every turn towards the edge of the table and safety. All the escorting Ladz must turn and attack the marauding aircraft. On turn two a pair of Ork fighters show up.
The attacking flyers may not attack each other. Mission is over after five turns or all the attackers are shot down. Points are scored for kills. Highest points wins.
First mission saw Blood Angels, Necron, and Dark Angels take to the skies. I did well with my fancy new Nephilim Fighter, right up to the point when I got blown out of the sky by a volley rockets fired by a squad of Dethkoptas. Pete's Necron Crensent 'o Doom zapped many Orks but was brought down by the Black Baron. The Blood Angel Stromraven, flown by Matt, tore up the greenskins with its huge array of weapons until it too was felled by some very hot dice.
The second mission had the defending champion, Mrs. Blackheart with her Eldar Death machine, Jeff taking a Valkyrie Vendetta, and Colleen using a Khorne Heldrake.
The Heldrake was very effective with the vector assault and Hades autocannon. A mob of Ork bikers finally brought the rampaging mecha-beast down. The Valkyrie and the Crimson hunter had outstanding runs, laying waste to the convoy. The Eldar fighter was shot down by the dreaded Black Baron, who in turn was smoked by the Valkyrie. Turn five ended and the Imperial gunship was the last one airborne.
After the totaling of the points, Jeff with the Valkyrie squeaked out a win over the Eldar! The Blood Angels rounded off the podium with a close third place.
A very enjoyable and fast moving event. Next time I'm just going to bring my Thunderhawk...
The Emperor Protects
He obviously had money riding on it
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