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Applying for Google Adsense? Have you taken care of these points?

              Work from Home  

Are you interested in working from home? Trying to make money online?  Trying to generate income from Internet through your blogs, websites? Are you a work from home mom, trying to find avenues of earning some extra dollars, and planning to apply for Google Adsense? If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, read these tips and guidelines before you proceed.

Google Adsense

We all love to write. And we all need money. period. The biggest incentive and attraction for writing online is generally the handsome income. People who want to add some additional bucks, or who would love to work from home generally look up to make money online through Google Adsense program. That is by placing ads on their blogs and websites and getting money when  readers click on the ads.

And rightly so. Because among all the on line advertisement programs, Google Adsense is far more popular, well established and pays well. And they have a well set rules and procedures, all very well established.

Blogger ethics 

You want your application to be approved? And you want to start earning? Here I have listed all the dos and don'ts for you.You follow these scrupulously and you won't be disappointed.
  • Be genuine. Don't write just for the heck of it. Short cut methods will yield only short lived fruits.
  • You write because you want to share the knowledge and communicate. Earning should be incidental. You should earn because your posts are useful and draw readers to your site.
  • Google search has become a necessity, a part of life across the globe. From a smallest information like how to cook and eat to biggest health issues, from economic issues like Insurance and Banking, to child bearing, from Nuclear Energy to the general knowledge questions like how do the planes fly, people search the web. So always give the correct and authentic information.
  • Write a good number of posts before you apply. What is good number? There have been instances earlier where the Google had approved Adsense after just a few posts. But that is not the case nowadays. The number generally is 25 but may extend to 50 depending upon your luck.
  • Each post should be a descriptive one with a minimum of 500 words. Don't fill the post with unnecessary images. At the same time, one relevant original photo of your own goes a long way in the post being effective and attractive.
  • Adding a description of your blog with a clear title “ About this Blog “ is necessary. Not only for the Google Adsense team but also for your readers and advertisers, it is necessary to know what your blog is about. Write a brief but interesting information about your blog, its niche if any and about what your blog deals with.
  • A page about yourself  under the title “ About me “ is one more necessity. Write a brief introduction about yourself, highlighting your interests and qualifications and what you are offering your readers through your blog.
  • Privacy Policy : It is absolutely necessary to add the privacy policy to your blog. Don't worry, you need not go to any legal advisers to get one. There are many sites which help you to generate a privacy policy for your site free of cost. Read the instructions, add the details of your blog title and URL and within a few minutes, you can generate the privacy policy for your blog.
  • Terms of Use : Just like Privacy Policy, you can generate the “Terms of Use”  from some free sites which offer this service and generate your own Terms of Use by giving the details of your blog name and blog URL.
  • You add pages for each of the above viz. About Me, About this Blog, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Use  and add them on the top of your blog main page, easily visible and available.
  • Select an easy to maneuver  and simple layout which helps your readers to easily browse through your site. Don't take unnecessary complicated themes. People will read and then remember and come back again to your sites if it is easy to access, loads fast and offers best posts. Nobody will remember what template or background design you have used.
  • Never go for dark or black backgrounds. It puts off  the readers.
  • Keep a standard font, which is neither too small nor too big for all your blog posts.
  • Split your posts into small paragraphs with meaningful subheadings. Not only will it look attractive, but also helps the readers in grasping the gist of your posts.
There you go. Now you know all the points and secrets that are required to make a huge success in monetizing your blogs. Let me tell you a secret. Not all of  those successful bloggers who are earning four to five digit figures are not those who have got Adsense approved in single attempt. There are thousands out there who had faced rejections and refusals but only those of them who have challenged themselves to turn objections into approvals by reinforcing their efforts with renewed sincerity and positive approach have become successful.

Remember, the tool is in your hands, literally, to write your own wonderful success story. Go for it with all the sincerity and positive mind and you would be a proud owner of a successful blog which provides you with great income all your life.

Did you like my tips? Are they useful? Let me know. You may also please share this with your friends. You never know how and when they may need these steps and I am sure would appreciate these easy to follow tips.

Feel free to give your valuable comments and feedbacks in the comments box below. I would really appreciate and reciprocate.

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