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X-Wing, Titan League 1, 2018 AAR

So, AAR for the Titan League event…  I did “poorly” the last time I showed up, so I started at the bottom tables… 

Played my Dash/Poe list against Stuart’s 2 TIE Defender and TIE Striker list…  Was a pretty good game, but even the TIE Defender melts against the 4 Dice Attacks…  Helped that he rolled 0 Evades on the 2 Attacks that melted him, but…  Took a bit more to deal with the other ships, but a 100-26 win since he was able to strip the Shields off of the YT-2400…

Game 2 was against Allan’s RAC (with the Emperor)/Whisper list…  My Firestorm Special is pretty much a hard counter to the Ace builds though…  Lined up against the Decimator and did the “Pile Damage in for the Win” move…  Had to bank, so not able to just bomb him, but the Harpoon Missile for 4 stripped the shields for Ten Numb to throw in a hit and a Crit…  The Weapons Malfunction Crit made the return fire less effective.  Whisper had to bug out, or she would have just died…  By the next turn I dropped a bomb where the Decimator would most likely go, but held it in place because Allan did something unexpected and went the other direction…  Failed to clear the Crit, and forgot that Nym had TLTs…  So he conceded.  Ten Numb shot Whisper for the unavoidable Critical and 2 more into the Decimator from the TLT showed pretty well that the game would be over in another turn or two in any case with the hard counter doing what hard counters do…  I assumed he had Kylo Ren on the Decimator, THAT would have made this a MUCH harder fight, but since we were both PS 10 and I had Imitative I would shoot first…  Would have been the same result in this case since he would not have stopped me from firing my Missile and then just being able to bomb him out of the game…

Game 3 was against Tim’s Imp Ace list…  Inquisitor, Quickdraw and the Palp Shuttle… Played against Tony’s build during practice last week, so knew pretty well how to deal with it and it was another 70/30 split I think…  Killed Quickdraw, leaving a Shield on the ship with the thrown Proton Bomb hitting for 2 Hull and then the Harpooned Condition doing a Face Down card when it went off…  His revenge shot sucked, removed all of Nym’s shields between the two shots, but it did what needed to be done…  Ten Numb was in trouble and lost shields quickly to the Inquisitor…  With Palpatine backing the Inquisitor, it is almost impossible to NORMALLY punch a Damage through, but Ten Numb was doing his thing…  And the Protons had about a 40% chance to just kill the ship…  So he had to be VERY careful approaching.   Holding a Proton bomb to block an approach meant that the Shuttle ate that and died soon after as I was able to dodge arcs and just throw damage onto that ship at will...  The TIE Adv Prototype was a LOT harder to catch, but after the Shuttle was gone, without Palpatine to give Evades...  He had to be careful of the TLT on CPT Nym...  So, while he was avoiding Ten Numb and keeping inside of the Range 1 bubble on Nym, he failed to account for the Thermal Detonators I could drop...  Double Stressed Inquisitor is a LOT easier to catch for the last Damage...

Kind of the secret I think to the list, so many “No Fly” zones and tricks that I can put in there to deal with pretty much anything on the other side of the table…  So, successful list.  And now on to something else I think…  Might bring this back out during SC season as this is exactly suited to my play style… 

So, Store Credit and a neat card or two...  More interested in the Alt Art stuff, and getting an Alt Art Guri was neat...  Will probably see the table in Mattoon and maybe next Month at Titan...

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