There was much excitement here last week as a small package from Madrid arrived in my post box. I’ve become a tiresome convert to Adolfo Ramos’ flags, I think he’s simply the best in the business, and his presentation flags mounted on poles with the tasselly things are the bees knees, if you don’t mind paying a little more and waiting a little longer. This is my third order from Adolfo and I’m a huge fan.
All of these are for SYW units in the painting queue, starting with the newly finished Kievsky Regiment of Cuirassiers. Seeing as the standard bearer is cast holding the standard pole, I ordered the 25 and 15mm versions to be cautious, and was pleased that I did so, for it was the 15mm flag that fit.
A warm spring day on the parade field as the newly raised unit is mustered into service under the watchful eyes of several generals.
Father Piotr Mikhailovich blesses the banners and prays that they will fight well for their God and for their Czar. The Orthodox priest is a figure painted and given to me years back by my friend and podcast partner James Manto.
“May God bless you with good dice rolls!"
The regiment passes in review. These are Foundry figures, I purchased six of them years ago in a bring and buy, and recently bought another six to make up the unit when the SYW bug returned. I think Foundry SYW figures are even better than Front Rank for the detail and animation of the faces.
This regiment gives my Russian army some badly needed hitting power in its cavalry arm. Now back to the Prussians who have several regiments and a battery in the queue, along with impatient Alte Fritz and his staff!
Thanks for looking. Blessings to your brushes!
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