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2019 Emily Contest Now Open

Breaking News!

The 2019 Emily Contest is now open.

Sponsored by the West Houston Chapter of Romance Writers of America, or WHRWA, this is one of the most prestigious writing contests for unpublished authors.

About The Emily
Silver Emily Pin

West Houston RWA’s Emily Contest is a premier contest for unpublished romance writers and offers:
  • Incisive first-round feedback
  • High request rate from final round editors and judges
  • Springboard to success for new writers.
For over 25 years, Emily entrants have found success through entering our contest. Visit our Contest History page to see a list of all the great authors. You could be next!

Fee: $25 WHRWA members / $35 all others

Opens: September 1, 2018

Closes: October 2, 2018, midnight CST

Eligibility: unpublished in the category entered.

Entry: First 5600 words, no synopsis.

Categories: Contemporary-Long, Contemporary-Short, Historical, FFP/Paranormal, Romantic Suspense, YA.

Judges: First Round Judges: Published in Romance, PAN authors or PRO authors who give positive, helpful feedback.

Final Judges: Two publishing professionals: agent and editor for each finalist.

Top Prize: Silver Emily Pin and Certificate for winner, $100 Grand Prize.

For More Information

Visit West Houston RWA.

Takeaway Truth

Through the years, numerous finalists and winners of The Emily have gone on to great publishing careers. Enter today, and you may just be one of them.

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