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Imperial Landing Craft

Still plodding away at otherstuff as and when the moods strike (even dug the Quarry out a couple of weeks ago), and been taking advantage of some good prices on eBay in order to get some more ships for my Star Wars fighter scale stuff...

The Titanium Imperial Landing Craft fits in just about at that rough fit scale I want - it is better with the Titanium Falcon, as it should be slightly longer than the Falcon, but my attempts at tarting that up haven't really led anywhere, and the D'Agostini was always the nicer model...

In the background is a play around with the Micro Machine TIE Bomber - I did find a forum somewhere that went into great detail about the TIE Shuttle briefly seen in Empire Strikes Back, and with a lot of convincing evidence about the flipped wings. Annoyingly, I didn't bookmark it. Anyhoo, I had two MM bombers, so used the cockpit module from each one (never understood why the shuttle wouldn't have a window for the passenger module) and flipped the wings. It looks ok, but may not get much further - I have the D'Agostini Imperial Shuttle which is a good scale match (although guns need repairing after the really heavy paintjob was stripped).

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