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Safe House 2014 Update 07

We're coming at you early this week and it looks like this might be the final update before the event. As it is, I need to get some posts prepared for the Safe House after action reports and, to be honest, there's not much left to show off anyway without spoiling the surprise for later.

With that in mind I would like to make one last shameless drive for support and donations by asking you all to like, share or drop a quid in the tin at the Safe House 2014 JustGiving page.

Anyway, it seemed appropriate that our final teaser is the revelation of Project Zeke Miniatures' eponymous model, Zeke - The Smart Zombie, who will be featured during our campaign.

When Zeke first heard the adage "Marines don't die, they just go to hell and regroup", I don't think he realised it would be quite so accurate. Zeke comes complete with broken leg, torn cheek and dangling eyeball but none of these things were enough to pry this Marine away from his rifle. That one's his.

See you all soon for the Safe House AARs. Wish us luck. 

Catch up on all of the Safe House action below:

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