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Grande Armee Lancers And Chasseurs A Cheval

Above: French 30th Mounted Chasseurs, (converted to a Lancer Regiment for the 1812 Campaign)
Hi All
In keeping with my current "Light Cavalry" theme, here are my Grande Armee 1812 Chasseurs a Cheval and Lancers.
All are AB Miniatures and almost all are the work of MCM Painting service, the exception being the Italian 2nd Chasseurs a Cheval, (who were painted by Fernando Enterprise).
Below: French 6th Chevauleger (Lancers).

Above: French 11th Chasseurs a Cheval

Above: French 8th Chasseurs a Cheval, (Elite Squadron)
and Below: the 2nd ITALIAN Chasseurs a Cheval

Next time I'll add pictures of my Dragoons and more Italian Cavalry.
Trailape OUT!

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