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Carronade (Falkirk) 2014

Today I was allowed out for a few hours to play (!!) and headed off with Paul, Davey and Young David to Carronade. This is one of the (if not the) biggest Wargames shows in Scotland and this year seemed very busy.

I only took a couple of shots of games as I went around. One of the big attractions at Carronade is the 'bring and buy' - and one of the nice things they do here is switch over the tables at the bring and buy every few hours. This means that there are new stalls to look at every so often and your not just looking at the same stuff over and over again.

There was also two large gym halls with traders and demo/participation games, as well as the entry forum area and an upstairs smaller hall with games and one traders stall.

So, some pictures of games:

This was a game titles something like 'Anarchy in Nelsons Square' and had civilian anarchists in the middle with Soviet forces (seen here) and British Army forces (seen below).

Next up was a large scale Napoleonic game of some type. The figures were (I think) 1:56?

Then we have a naval game called 'Channel Dash', with German ships defended by German planes against Swordfish and Blenheim's.

And a 28mm ACW game:

And another (although this might be 20mm?)

Next up - what I got!

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