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~Awards to pass on~

Thank you Swimmer for this wonderful award, I am behind, but I want you to know I didn't forget...I love the idea of it and Lee  n' Patricia ;-D Thank you for adding me to your list!   I guess with this one, I need to tell you 7 things about me and pass it on to 7 bloggers.   They in turn need to pass it on and reveal 7 things about themselves. (next time I will follow through and list 15)~

1.  I need to research my family genealogy..  I have been asked if I was Puerto Rican, Spanish, Mexican, Indian and Eskimo.  When asked..I just say, I'm Spindian.

2. I have moved 17x in 25yrs.  My favs, Maine, Hawaii, Alaska n' Florida.  In Maine there are three seasons,
Spring, Fall and Winter, Summer can be really short.  In Hawaii, it is Spring and Summer.  Alaska has two seasons: Spring and Winter and Florida has Spring and Summer.

3.  Hubby has a thing about 7's and me 3's; I am always looking for three, 777, I find them a lot.  Will
     I know you have a thing about 7's.

4. Fall is my favorite season; We have a long one here in North Carolina!

5. I never can find a 4 leaf clover; my Mom finds them all the time, usually a dozen+.

6. I was in March 2002 Health magazine;  Something to show n' tell the grandchildren, someday.

7. I still have a New England accent, even though I have been in the south for 7 going on 8yrs. I call home
   and that is it, comes right back.   

 Here is my 15 blog picks for being Versatile:
1. Jennifer- Giggling in the Rain
2. Julie- Being Ruby
3. Rayna-Coffee Rings Everywhere
4. Lisa-1 Wasabi Mommy
5. Holly-504 main
6. Ginny-Rag by Sock Monkey
7. Ocean Girl-Live High Live Mighty

Will and Karen G I want to Thank you both for passing this award on...so cute!!!  I love it~

I will pass this award on to:
1. Lisa- Bombastic Bandicoot
2. Sally-Sally Annie Magundy

 Swimmer had a post where you open a book at random to page 56, look at the 5th sentence!   So, I did and this is what it said:     "I looped pink ribbon around the box-a gesture I'd performed a thousand times-tied the bow, then pulled  the ribbon taut against the blade of the scissors to curl it."
Great sentence for  passing awarded gifts on...."The Girl with No Shadow" ~Joanne Harris(sequel to Chocolat)

Thanks for this wonderful awards~xXx

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