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Wizard Video Finds Lost VHS Tapes

With VHS the new Vinyl in the collecting world Charles Band dropped a bomb shell (Or should I say Clam Shell) on the fans Thursday with the announcement that they have found some highly sought after VHS tapes.

LOS ANGELES, CA, Feb 7, 2013 – Horror legend and home video pioneer Charles Band had been putting off his warehouse cleaning for years. But during a recent overhaul of his extensive collection of collectibles, he unwittingly resurrected a veritable treasure trove of vintage horror limited-edition VHS boxes coveted by horror fans and serious collectors. Starting February 12, fans will be able to purchase these original boxes with authentically duplicated VHS copies inside – at an incredibly reasonable price.

“Back in the 80’s, I thought it would be cool to release these films in the oversize VHS boxes,” explained Band. “In the short term, it was very successful - but by 1982 the trend had run its course and the titles were reduced back to regular VHS dimensions.”

Band started Wizard Video in 1980, and was the first to release horror cult films such as Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and I Spit On Your Grave in the early days of home video.

“The kids who remember these oversized packages remember them fondly,” Band continued. “The release of this collection is for them.”

Over a span of 3-4 years, Wizard Video published eighty titles in the large-format boxes. Thirty-five years after the packaging’s popularity died out, Band and his excavation team uncovered the original big VHS boxes of thirty-six of these rare titles in mint condition, between two hundred to four hundred copies per title. Each box will be hand-numbered on the spine and autographed by Charles Band and will include an authentically duplicated VHS copy of the film inside of a clamshell holder. Band estimates that very few of these rare videos are still in print – and no more than 5-10 thousand units were manufactured at the time.

But wait here is some really cool news:

Also found in the collection were original boxes of the first horror video games on the planet, from Wizard Video’s sister company, Wizard Video Games. The Atari 2600 game boxes for Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Halloween will be released TBD 2013 from Full Moon. At the time of release, these titles were deemed too violent for children, and were either banned or sold by request-only, making them an extraordinarily rare find as well.
For more information check out  www.Wizardvideocollection.com

Band will release four tiles  every month beginning February 12, at $50 a piece. Other tiles will be Headless Eye, Breeders, I Spit on your Grave and  Parasite. Sure will be looking forward to the Atari Games when they are released and when more information is brought forth. All I know is all those VHS enthusiast are going crazy as Wizard is one of the most collected out their.

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