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Weekly Wrap-Up 11/8

 Happy Sunday to all.  I hope this finds you all well.
It is a beautiful morning here.  It seems like a spring morning instead of a fall morn.  60* at the moment and the sun is shining and the birds are singing.  Going up into the mid 70's again today.
We have had some lovely weather this week after starting cold.  It is amazing to be able to have the heat off and the windows open for such a stretch of time - this time of the year.  I think we again have set some new records with weather.

This is how it has looked at sunset almost every night this week.  Just glorious color.

Last Sunday and again on Monday I must have had 100+ sparrows in the yard.  The ground looked to be moving with them.  It was pretty amazing.  You know I have lots of squirrels, but there are a couple that are just downright FAT! (can't imagine why - lol).  My neighbor made the comment that it is amazing the run and play at such speed!  My back handrail is 4" wide and they cover it when sitting there.  There are plenty of little ones as well - but my goodness a couple are big.

                                        Picture doesn't do it justice - this is one hefty squirrel!!!

This week:
  • Made a pot of "stewp".  Veggie/hamburger soup but the consistency of stew.
  • Laundry in cold and hung laundry in basement and outside
  • Made my own root beer a couple times - soda stream for carbonation and sassafras for flavor
  • Renewed library books online
  • Got the remainder if the garden cleaned out
  • Flipped all the cushions on the couch for a firmer sit!
  • Turned off heat and opened windows a lot.
  • Only time out this week was to vote, post office and to my brothers for a quick visit. (all one trip)
  • Got all my Christmas stamps and enough others for well into next year
  • My brother was gifted a bunch of fresh dug turnips and he shared with me and sis.  I love raw turnips with salt (not so much cooked).  I took SIL the ads (they don't get for some reason) as they had a lot of specials on things that I knew they were wanting to stock up on.  We keep each other informed on our prepping!
  • Been cleaning and clearing more in the flower beds
  • Froze 5 individual containers of 'stewp' for future use
  • Removed the mailbox cover that had really faded this summer - and removed all the magnets from it to re-use before trashing
  • Have been reading lots and lots of cookbooks (holiday ones)
  • A friend sent me a coupon for B1G1 coupon on cat food
  • Stayed out of the stores this week
  • Spent time finding some old family recipes that my SIL and sis wanted.
  • Raked leaves and put them on the garden a couple days ago - today you can't tell I raked!
  • Used all leftovers in new ways
  • Just doing all the regular normal stuff

Meals this past week:
Smothered mac - macaroni covered in thickened soup and sour cream/cheese
Smoked sausage, mashed potatoes and sliced tomato
Potato cakes, tuna patty and side salad
Super loaded burger - topped with thinly sliced ham and cheese (oh my)
Chicken and rice with broccoli
Cheesy potatoes with beef
                                              Smothered mac topped w/cheese and sour cream

How was your week?  Are you counting down to Thanksgiving and/or Christmas?  It won't be long on either.  I have been trying to come up with some more gift giving ideas from the kitchen.
Did you stay on the frugal train this week?

Take care my friends. May you stay safe and healthy through the coming days.
Blessings from my humble little home to yours.


Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and of good courage; be not frightened, neither be dismayed; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

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