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The Westing Game

This week I read A Catered St. Patrick's Day , am a few chapters into The Sermon on the Mount and am about half way through The Westing Game.  It has been a brutal week in our house, we have a beloved pet that is dying, medicine changes + really challenging days, and a birthday (that was the best part).  I am running behind and hope to finish The Westing Game by tomorrow, but did not get it done tonight - with that said, let me introduce it and give my initial impressions.

The Westing Game is by Ellen Raskin and tells the tale of the mysterious discovery of Samuel W. Westing (dead of course!) and his will which is subsequently read aloud by the "brilliant" attorney - Edgar Jennings Plum.  It sets forth a mystery game (between his sixteen "nieces and nephews") to discover who exactly murdered Sam Westing - winner takes all.  This reminds me so much of the first book of 39 Clues (or I should say 39 Clues reminds me of this book since this one was originally published in 1978)

This book has been on my TBR for a loooong time and I am enjoying reading it, but am bummed I did not get it done by tonight.  I will edit this post once I finish - 

*edited* sorry this has been one crazy week so far...anyway - this was the weirdest book I think I have read thus far this year.  It truly is best read in as few sittings as possible unless you have a great memory for detail and can juggle clues while at the same time keep (roughly) sixteen different people (or suspects I should say) straight in your thoughts.  I am glad I read it, but I would not read it a second time.  I can't really say much more about the story, because one small slip and the entire story would be ruined.  

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