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The Universal Pictures Blogathon : The Guests Arrive

I bid you velcome! 

Let me introduce myself, I am Count Dracula. It brings me great pleasure to be your host on this celebration of vone of the great film studios - a personal favorite of mine - Universal Pictures. Ah yes, it was my home for many many years. The Metzinger Sisters have so kindly asked that I be your guide and I am more than happy to walk amongst the living once again. 

My guests, please remove your hats and hang up your coats, and step this way....the party vill be taking place in many different rooms so do not be alarmed if you must leave the safety of the main parlor. Igor will be most pleased to show you the way.

We are going to have a vonderful celebration. Alas, the anniversary cake has long since molded but I do have some eye of newt and blood cocktails as an aperitif. 

Now please, sit, read, and be merry... What music we will make together! 

Ah, here is our first guest-of-honor.....

A Person in the Dark tells us how Charlie has her doubts about her uncle in Shadow of a Doubt ( 1943 ). She believes she has found a worm in her rose. How delightful! They are most delicious creatures. 

There are stranger cults than blood-suckers....Cinemaven's Essays from the Couch shares with us the flesh-piercing Cult of the Cobra ( 1957 ). As a boy in the old country I learned to beware of snakes. 

Love Letters to Old Hollywood gives us an entertaining look at Lady on a Train ( 1945 ) one of Deanna Durbin's best Universal films. My children, if it vere not for the lovely Ms. Durbin, I, Count Dracula, very well may have been forgotten by now! 

Diana Metzinger ( Silver Scenes ) tells us how Doris Day deals vith a telephone stalker in Midnight Lace ( 1960 ). I vould simply bite the cord but then ve all handle stress differently.

Now here is an old friend indeed! Frankenstein teams up vith my dear companion, the Volf Man in the 1943 classic Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man ( Monster, behave yourself! ) Cinemaven's Essays from the Couch returns to tell us the story of this film. 

Another crony of mine, Boris Karloff, had a spine-tingling television series of his very own. The Last Drive-In shares with us the thrills to be had when viewing Thriller ( 1960-1962 ).

Sometimes They Go Till Eleven demonstrates the troubles that tiny folk have to contend vith in his look at the sci-fi classic The Incredible Shrinking Man ( 1957 ). Why, even having a bite of cheese could be a snap....or a trap!

Children of the night, if at any time you feel lost, please let me direct you to the main parlor : 

The Universal Pictures Blogathon - List of Guests

You will find all of the guests-of-honor assembled here by the stroke of midnight on Halloween. If they do not show up by then, well....we'll just have to fly out and fetch them! 

Day Two : The Universal Pictures Blogathon - The Monster Bash

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