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Million-Dollar World

On a recent walk with my two walking companions, Annie-girl and Riley, the world around me was full of sparkles, and as I walked I thought... how lucky am I to be walking in a Million-Dollar World... and thus the following was written once I got home...

Pulling back the darkness in gentle swaths of light,
the sun’s rays push warm fingers of liquid gold across the skies. 

Misty fog gingerly hovers below the horizon, 
shimmering in the delight of the sun’s warmth. 

Old Man Jack Frost has left his mark overnight, and the world lies
stiff and unmoving in the frigid grasp of frosts’ embrace. 

As morning pushed back the night, and day hugged the darkness goodbye,
I step outside, leaving the warmth of my home to welcome the new day. 

The earth below my feet crunches and my breath hangs close to me. 

The chilled air awakens my senses, as my steps begin a cadence of rhythm
with the dogs who eagerly greet the morning with me. 

Walking step-in-step together, the cold nipping at our cheeks,
we lift our faces to the sun and soak in the brilliance of her offering.

And then I see why the world is hushed in quietness
and the dregs of cold are silenced in the moment. 

A million, a billion, no a trillion glittering jewels beckon to me
as the sun’s rays grace them. 

Each petal, stem and golden leaf are clamoring in their bid for my attention… 
See me? See me?
Adorned in exquisitely jeweled shimmering frost,
made beautiful by the glint of the sun’s rays,
each tender stem shivered as the light’s fanciful touch
transformed them into a mass choir of dancing joy.

Mesmerized by the million-dollar world dancing before me, I saw each jeweled plant calling out to me, twinkling in its moment of grandeur, grasping for my attention.

Could I pick but one, I wondered? I reached out to touch the million tiny diamonds twinkling on the leaf, but its grandeur vanished at my touch. 

It was not for me to hold.  It was not for me to have. 

It was for me to gaze upon in the darting moment of time and soak up its beauty deep within my soul… this moment of grandeur was not mine to take.  It was mine for now, for just that moment. 

I stood there, humbled to be here, in this million-dollar world hugging my heart in its joy. 

The gift of the moment soaked into my soul, and I bowed my head in thankfulness to the Creator, the One who crafted this moment of splendor for my delight. 

Then… just as time marches on impatiently, I too had to turn and walk on with those impatient dogs… they did not see the world I had just stepped into, they had work to do and I had held up their progress. 

But for the moment, for that piece of time, the morning jewels and I had embraced, and part of their glamor now rested in my soul. 

Just as that moment brushed my soul with its glory… time in its impatient work propelled me onward and forward.  But no one can ever take from me the joy of knowing I walked in a million-dollar world. 

Time marches on
and no moment can ever last forever
But it can be stored safe 
in the depths of my heart,
knowing that it is not mine to hold or grasp in my hands,
but in my soul 
this moment lives on, forever...

My encounter with heaven in a million-dollar world.

As I walked on, this song I heard recently begin to sing in my heart, and I want to share it with you, may you be blessed in the delights that only our Great Creator can design!

I have nothing but praise for you Lord! 

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