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In Spite of all

In spite of all the ranting and raving coming out through my fingertips here, one fact remains..........

I love this country and all it stands for. We may have the most venal politicians money can buy and one of the largest populations of goof balls on the planet up there in the Asylum on the Potomac, but...........the country is greater than that.

Despite what the LLM (left leaning media) would have you believe about how decadent and evil we are......................thousands perhaps millions of people risk their health, their fortune, their lives to reach this oasis of freedom in a world increasingly at odds with freedom.

Today was much as any other day, here at the kudzu grotto.

Well, if you discount the fact that I made a pot of my special secret, (have to kill you if I give you the recipe) Chili. It was as wonderful as all the other times I've made it. Had a bowl for lunch. Froze 2 quarts and put another bowl in the fridge for later.

We had a few thundershowers move through this afternoon late.......then slacked off and stopped just in time for me to light up the grill and singe 2 nice sirloin steaks for me and the old grump. (the spousal unit and children down at the SIL's pool. I of course don't go as I am officially on the do not call list around here.

Over a lb. of medium rare cow will go a long way towards satisfying even the appetite of a glutton like myself. With a small baked potato topped with real butter and salted and peppered to taste I am good to go. Feeling all stuffed and willing to wish even the democrits a happy 4th of July. ( they don't like it when you keep referring to anything having to do with Independence).

Enjoy for a few moments one of the classic Independence day musical numbers.

If that doesn't get your heart to thumping, your shoulders thrown back and your feet to tapping (mine want to stomp up and down the hall), there may be no hope for you.

You others..............God Bless America.

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