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Email Theater

Welcome to Email Theater, where we follow a story by reprinting emails exchanged between yours truly and my wife's Aunt Kathy. Kathy's two fondest wishes are that she return to Erie, PA (from upstate NY) and that her Niece and family move from Fayetteville, NC to Erie, PA.

Kathy (a/k/a "Aunt KK") has just returned from a trip to the Holy Land (i.e., Erie, PA) and our host has asked her if she had been house hunting during her visit.

Let's listen in, shall we?

Me: Have you made an offer on that house in Erie, yet?

KK: How can I make an offer on the Erie house when you won't come live in it! I would if I could, but with no one living near me there, my bone problems won't allow me to be far from loved ones.

Me: Oh, the guilt! Honestly, I'm so fed up, I'd love to have Michelle get a full-time XRAY job in Erie and then I could deliver pizzas. (Signed, KRAIG)

KK: Anyway, if you want to deliver pizzas in Erie, you can use my van. TALK and communicate with your wife as to what your wishes are! I think what we have here is a failure to communicate! Now go out and eat 52 hard-boiled eggs, and spell your name correctly the next time! C, not K.
Oh, I communicated my pizza-deliveryman fantasises to Michelle.

Turns out she had a pizza-deliveryman fantasy of her own, but it was quite different from mine.

I blush, even now, to think of it.


52 eggs? Who am I supposed to be? Cool Hand Luke!?!?!?

KK: Cr-eggman, I mean, Luke, I mean.....you do amuse me so! If you were closer, you could teach me more about the computer, which I would love to learn, and Michelle can find her pizza man! All would be right with the world!
Thus concludes today's episode of Email Theater.

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