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Aprons from Re-purposed Denium Jeans and Dresses

I have been busy taking some old jeans,
 a denim skirt and a denim dress, 
and turning them into useable aprons. 
It was a fun project
I really like the end product. 
I thought that I would show them off 
and see what you think.

This one started out as a straight skirt.  
I used the back of the skirt 
and added fabric, lace and rickrack. 


This is the back of a pair of my old Levis.
I like that it provides the wearer 
with some nice pockets. 


This apron started out as a denim skirt.
See the cute little daisy buttons 
I found to embellish it.


The next two aprons were made from the same denim dress. 
 I used the front for this one 
and the back of the dress for the next one.

The transfer on the front was one that I found on 
The Graphics Fairy

I love that blog !
If you have never gone there,
I would say to head there now . . .
not until you have finished looking through my post 
and leaving a delightful comment. 


This is the back of the same dress.
This transfer was also from
The Graphics Fairy.
I really like how feminine
these last two turned out.

Here is a close-up of the bib.


This is the back 
and a great 
place to end my post.

So until we meet again, 
my aprons will be waving gently
in the breeze, happily ever after . . .
The End.

Have a lovely day,
and please leave a comment.
I read each and every comment
and really appreciate 
hearing your thoughts.  



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