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an autumn wreath and some lovely color in the garden

A couple of weeks ago, I decided I had put off redoing my old wreath long
enough and went out to the garden and cut some of the hydrangeas.
I always reuse my old straw wreath forms and this time I glued the fresh hydrangeas
to the form and let it dry naturally.
I usually make my wreaths out of dried ones because I usually make them in the winter
after the garden is all put to bed, but we had a few days of rain so I was able to take the
time to enjoy putting it together.
The photos were taken after it had dried.

It was so much easier using the hydrangeas fresh and will make sure I do it every time.
Dried hydrangeas shatter easily and leave quite the mess. This was 
pretty no fuss, and it only took me a short time to make.

The hydrangeas I used for this are the Limelight, and while they go through many
stages of color, I am glad I waited to make it while they were in this stage.

really love these colors!

I wanted to share one of my favorite places in the garden and the autumn hues 
that this area had colored up before we had a wild windstorm 
that has left most the trees in the garden bare.
So glad I was able to get several photos of the whole garden this fall, because 
the colors were beautiful this year. 

This birdbath was made by a friend of ours who made it from
discs from his disc (a farm implement that breaks up the earth
after plowing)

I love this birdbath!
 It is large enough for the birds to get a good bath in, and tall
enough that the cats don't jump or climb up it!

This area of the garden was planned to make a special place for the grandchildren.
It's secluded because of the hedge of redtwig dogwood, diablo ninebark, and ashleaf 
spirea I planted on one side, and on the other is a large berm planted with shrubs,
perennials, roses and trees.
It created a little allee for them to play in and not be seen.

A place to create their own little world in.

I have to say that it is my favorite space too!

Whenever I work on this side of the garden bed, I kind of feel like a kid again myself :)))

I love the redleaf rose in the fall! I think this has got to be one of my favorite
shrubs in the garden.
This one along the allee is huge and turns the loveliest color.

Then there's the Hallward Silver spirea with it's yellowing leaves
that then change to a beautiful rusty red.

A little shot of the laceleaf elderberry branch.

Hope to return soon with a few more pics of the Autumn garden.
But for now, I wish you all a wonderful start to your November!

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