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200 Items Or Less: Blade Runner (1982)

A few thoughts: What can really be said about Blade Runner that wouldn't have already been said 1000 times? Funny enough, that statement has probably been said 1000 times itself when it comes to this movie. It's pretty much a perfect blend of sci-fi and noir, a moody and atmospheric film filled with incredible visuals (the effects and the lighting/cinematography), haunting sound design, and enough moral ambiguity to choke 6 goats and a mule. Don't ask me what that means. While the visuals, story, setting, and every other technical aspect is pretty much flawless, the real highlight of this movie for me is Rutger Hauer's intense performance as Roy Batty. That man has presence out the wazoo. While the rest of the cast perform admirably, this is Hauer's chance to kick ass as one of the most memorable villains of the '80s...eh, screw it, of all-time. Again, I can't add anything to the discussion here. It's one of the best movies of the 1980s by most people's standards, and a masterpiece of science fiction.

Who would I recommend it to? Do you like sci-fi? Do you like visually stunning movies? If you answered yes to either, watch this movie.

My grade: A

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