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Choir was good fun last night. We celebrated the Chinese New Year (in a very small way!) so everyone had a fortune cookie and our vocal warm ups were in Mandarin. My fortune was very apt and I hope it comes true ... "this is the year you expand your friendship group". We made good progress on three songs: Somewhere Over The Rainbow/Wonderful World, For Good (from the musical, Wicked), and Hit Me With Your Best Shot/One Way Or Another. 

I've handed over the majority of the band stuff. The digital music files were handed over last night and I met the new treasurer this morning for the financial side. Just the instrument database side of things to go and then I'll be finished. I know the new treasurer and will be seeing her next week to formally sign off on the finances but will also be taking my diary and we'll arrange to meet for coffee or something.

J will be round tomorrow to help move the big sofa (it needs to shift along a few inches) and I want to swap the Davenport and the armchair around. Then we'll work out which size print will work best on the long wall above the  sofa and I'll be able to place the order. 

I'm applying to join the Devizes U3A as they have quite a few groups I'm interested in. I haven't had much luck with the the two local ones I've tried so far so I'm going to try slightly farther afield and see how I get on. Devizes is about 11 miles away so it's not too far and the plus point is that the groups I'm interested in meet on days that fit my current arrangements. I'm considering family history, discussion, mah-jong, and bridge. I'll try them one at a time and see how I get on.

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