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A Washington Post poll indicates that sixty three percent of Americans allow they have been financially hurt to some degree by the economic recession (or is it a depression).
Yeah I reckon so...

But it does kinda reaffirm my belief that the average American voter is so fucking stupid about how an economy works that they should not be allowed to vote. Two years ago the voters elected a congress run by the socialists..the economy starts to slide south but what does the public do? They re-elect the socialists and a socialist to lead them! What do they expect from a government elect that has promised to put punitive taxes on business that earns a profit and to increase taxes on the people who have the money to buy what business produces?

The public elects a man who has decided "fuck the deficit" and promises to spend trillions of dollars that the country does not have...and then the public worries that they might not have a job next year?

The public elects socialists who let it slip that they want to 'socialize' a big business...and now they wonder why they have a congress that is spending a trillion of their dollars doing just that? Yeah folks, the majority is against a bail out of the big three auto companies...but the majority elected the sumbitches who are pushing it.

This is a public that decided that economics and history and geography and such were soft sciences and should be combined in a simple 'social science class' and taught as an elective in high school to students of which half cannot even spell social science...hell, they cannot even read the text book! But yet this same public sends voter registration workers to the high schools to register those who are old enough to vote.even though they are too fucking ignorant to read the ballot!

Yeah, and they are worried that the government will not be able to 'fix' the economy. NO SHIT SHERLOCK!

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