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A Road Trip to Dry Falls Lake...& Barn Sale

Steve (my hubby) and I decided to  throw a picnic 
together and head out for a day of sunshine and adventure. 
Our destination was Dry Falls Lake and area that at one time (ice ages) 
was a waterfall larger than Niagara Falls. 
 Today it is a group of small lakes and desert area and one of God's magnificent masterpieces. 

This is our "Butchy", it is pretty hard to leave him at home.
Butch lives for road trips, and when they include a picnic, 
he is in doggy heaven.  

This is Dry Falls Lake 
from above where the lookout and tourist station is. 

Another view from the top.  
You can see are the cliffs, where the waterfall flowed down to the bottom. 

I have a fascination with the way lichen 
grows and colors the rocks.
I may have enhanced some of these photos, 
but not this one.  
I wanted to show you some of the brilliant hues in God's palette. 

The lake is designated for fly fishing only. 
Steve and I have never gotten into fly-fishing, but I think it might be something I'd like to learn. 

Another view from the top.

On the way home we saw a sign "Barn Sale". 
 So, we followed the signs posted along a country road that lead us here. 

These were our great bargains finds. 
I think we scored big, what do you think?
I can't wait to use this pretty divided platter. 

I purchased two vintage table cloths.  
They will be so pretty on my 
back-porch dining table this summer.

This was Steve's purchase,  Yum . . . I love corn bread and I'm sure he'll use this the next time he makes up a pot of his soul satisfying  chili.

Steve has some great shot of Dry Falls Lake, taken from down in the valley and at the lake.  If you've ready for a bit more of your day's road trip please visit his blog, at:


I know he would welcome your company.  
"Keep smiling", Connie

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