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FLYING CAT TOYS! New site now up and running!

I know it's a tiny image of "the flying cat" but it's the only one Google could find for me! Flying Cat have launched their new website, so do please follow the link in the nav bar and take a look-see. Alan Chow, the owner, has been in talks with me for some time about bringing out a range of toys, and it looks as if BITENECK BEATNIKS may be the range that we develop.

My original intention was to try and get them out there as vinyl toys, but apparently the vinyl toy market is suffering at the minute. So if we DO get them off the ground it'll initially be as plushies. Hopefully, further along the road, we'll be able to launch them as vinyls too. We'll wait and see though, it's early days yet and we haven't agreed to anything in writing. I do, however, think Flying Cat's output is superb, and am guilty of buying more than one toy from Nathan Jurevicius' Scarygirl range.


If it's anything like the animation and publishing industry I'd expect the toys to be on the shelf sometime in 2020!

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