So, any suitable Pseudo-Christian medieval Europe is going to have saints and devotees thereof. For completeness's sake, some of these should be without direct relevance to the adventuring way of life - IE, not just for smiting evil. Most people do not make their living clearing out dungeons, nor are dungeons necessarily a relevant element of the faith of your common-or-garden believer.
Some of this makes reference to divisions in the Faith. This will be explained!
Saints are mentioned with the area they are a Patron of, perhaps some of their most notable deeds and what, if any, specific theological connection they have to an aspect of the Divine.
Saints are mentioned with the area they are a Patron of, perhaps some of their most notable deeds and what, if any, specific theological connection they have to an aspect of the Divine.
St Lemuel, Patron Merchants, Ships Fourth Aspect
St Bernard Finisterre, Preached the Sermon at World’s End; patron travellers Fourth Aspect
St Rhadegunt de Sanglier, Tamed a wild boar, Preached.
St Ophelia the Bloodyminded, Folk Saint, recent, uncanonised, fought Heretics who killed family
St Frankesca de la Drake Tamed Dragon; fought barbarians
St Guthrum Patron Monastics. Cf. St Benedict
St Gweneth Patron Cattle
St Clovis Patron music
St Tybault Patron Penitents. Reformed rake and notorious sinner.
St Oderic patron Farmers
St Edwin Patron Weavers
St Vaderian Patron Kings and Nobles (the Fallen King in Agatheburg) Cf. Charlemagne Sixth Aspect
St Abriel Patron Elves. First converted elf.
St Justina HelenaPatron Mages
St Engarras Patron against Heresy. Uncovered secret order of proto-Cadencians.
St Roak Patron Hermits and Friars. Cf. St Francis. Third Aspect
St Ysodor Patron Female Clergy. First female appointee to the Napeshene College.
St Tycho Patron Fathers Third Aspect
St Tankred Patron ‘Teutonic Knights’. Holy Warrior; had vision, founded order. Seventh Aspect
St Ottoline Patron Mystics. First notable practitioner of magic & miracles.Fifth Aspect
St Ludmilla Patron Mothers Second Aspect
St Castrum patron Crusades. Decapitated during a crusade in Punth; rose again to fight.
St Eulaina Patron Marriage
St Oswalt Patron Elderly Eighth Aspect
St Godric Patron against Demons. Fought demons.
St Clareta Patron Maidens First Aspect
St Konnor Patron Children First Aspect
St Torus Patron Scholars Fifth Aspect
St Laterus Patron Beggars
St Lassiter Patron Knight Errantry
St Paradox Patron Divine Mystery.
St BerengariaPatron Exploration, Cross species contact. Wrote the Book of Other Kinds.
St Dimitri Talliz. Paul Bunyan-esque tall tales. Former shepherd. Muscular.
St Severian Patron Inquisition. Responsible for suppression of the Haruspex Cult. Seventh Aspect
St Tercio Patron Soldiers. Nervanite Legate who converted v. Early on. Seventh Aspect
St Gervaise Patron Hospitality. Offered even to the infidel; roasted on spit by wicked men – offered them the choicest cuts. Eighth Aspect
St Juhani Patron Sylmunnion
St. John of the OxenTorwick native saint; stout but muscular pastor. Exorcised and killed a pair of demonically possessed oxen in the midst of a famine to feed the starving peasantry.
St Pequod Patron fishermen; curiously similar to folk figure Old Man of the Sea, the Ancient Mariner.....
St Albia Domnia. Shrinekeeper of a Torwick fishing port who quelled a mighty storm by her faith. Pictured in flowing robes with trident. Touted by the Church as an alternative to the suspect St Pequod.
St. Marie DeLutraPatron rivers, otters, haddock, pilots. Folk Saint. Deeply unofficial.
Reference to these: is nigh on compulsory.
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