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Miniatures: Liverpool Dockers Militia

I've been thinking a bit further about ideas for gaming in this background and have decided that initial battles in the late '80's and early '90's will probably be in 10mm as I really like the look of Minifigs N scale range, however as England collapses into chaos in the early 21st century I have decided that it will not be possible to resist the lure of 28mm...

Whilst I envisage the Royalists controlling large swathes of Northern England, there will be Republican hold-out cities such as Liverpool and Sheffield, under almost constant siege. This would mean that the Republicans would need to supplement their garrisons with militias and inspired by the VBCW Red Workers Militia Unit on Jim's Wargames Blog I've ordered some Chechen troops from Red Star Miniatures which I think will paint up well as a group of "Bolshie Scousers" (anything too Chechen will need removing and I will look to replace some of the Russian weapons with British and American ones if I can find a good source).

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